Aromabiotic Cattle
Aromabiotic® Cattle is a carefully balanced mixture of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) developed for cattle. Both dairy and beef cattle have been selected to become super-producing animals. A sound rumen fermentation together with a strong immune status are indispensable to support the animal throughout its high productive life.
Genetic selection has resulted in cattle becoming super-production animals which undergo tremendous physiological stress and become susceptible to metabolic problems. In one lactation a cow can produce 10 to 20 times the amount of milk required to rear a calf. Instead of relying on medicines Nuscience offers alternative solutions based on natural ingredients. A healthy animal not only requires little medication and labor but also produces more efficiently.
Although the dose can be farm specific, the following inclusion rates are advised:
Dairy Cattle: 40 g/cow/day
Calves: 6 -8 kg/Mton in starter feed
Growing and finishing cattle: 5-6 g.100 kg BW
Packaging 25Kg bag