Virex plus Virex plus

Virex plus

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Description Virex Plus:
Peroxygen based disinfectant for surface, equipment & water system.
Effective against major viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens.
DEFRA approved for FMD,diseases of poultry & general orders.
Safe to the operator.
Non-corrosive at in use dilution.

Composition Virex Plus:
Potassium monopersulphate 50 %
Sodium Hexametaphosphate 25 %
Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate Anhydrous 2.5 %
Sulphamic Acid 7.5 %
Malic Acid 7.5 %
Sodium alkyl benzene sulphonate 5 %
Sodium Sulphate 2.5 %
Duractive Scarlet LS2G 0.001 %

VIREX PLUS can be used for terminal disinfection.

Surface / Equipment Disinfection:
Apply at 1:300 and 300ml/m2– Use a pressure washer at low pressure (500 psi) or a foam lance.
VIREX PLUS can be fogged if combined with Fog Enhancer

DEFRA Approvals:
Diseases of Poultry: One part VIREX PLUS in 300 parts water.
General Orders: One part VIREX PLUS in 100 parts water.
Foot and Mouth Disease: One part VIREX PLUS in 1300 parts water.

Water Sanitisation during terminal disinfection:
Dose header tank at 1:200 and drain system. Leave for one hour and flush with clean water.

Foot dip use:
Dissolve One soluble sachet in 10 litres of water. Stir until dissolved. Dilution rate 1:100.

Manufacturer: KERSIA
Origin: UK
Packing: 5 Kg

An effective peroxygen based disinfectant for surfaces, equipment  water systems. DEFRA approved for Foot and Mouth, Diseases of Poultry, Swine Vesicular Disease and General Orders. Non-corrisive at in use dilution and safe to the operator.

Virex Pack Size

5 & 10 KG

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